Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Gues what does it mean?

Gues how can 1 not be equal to 1?

1) SourceGrid.Tests.TestRangeData.WriteData_FromSourceGridToSourceGrid :
expected: <1>
but was: <1>
at SourceGrid.Tests.TestRangeData.WriteData_FromSourceGridToSourceGrid() in e:\Projects\csharpexamples\SourceGrid\trunk\SourceGrid4\SourceGrid.Tests\TestRangeData.cs:line 122

And yes, it is not the case when one one is string, another one is int


Unknown said...

I'm thinking maybe some boxing is going on with Assert.AreSame(x,y) ?

Darius Damalakas said...

No, that was even more stupid :D

The first one was the number one.
The second one was the result after NUnit tried to call ToString() on the object under test. That method ToString() just returned 1.