Tuesday, May 29, 2007

.Net biblioteka video montavimui

Neseniai programming@konferecijos.lt mailing liste kažkas prašė bibliotekos garso kodavimui.

Šiandien užtikau Auckland'o blog'e Splicer įrankį.

Ką gi jis gali daryti:
* Encode video or audio suitable for use on a website.
* Create slideshows from images, videos and audio.
* Apply effects and transitions to audio and video.
* Grab System.Drawing.Image clips from a video at certain times.
* Add new soundtracks to existing video clips.
* Watermark videos.
* Build a video editing suite, if you were so inclined.

Splicer galite rasti čia : http://www.codeplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?ProjectName=splicer

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